About Peg's Plants

Apple Blossoms

Peg's Plants began in 1998 when I cleaned out a flower garden on the side of my house. I just couldn't throw them away! So, I potted up a whole bunch of common bleeding heart and bergenia. Hey, I could sell them, right?

For the next two years, I thinned my gardens and planted the extra. After putting out plant sale signs for a while in my neighborhood and waiting in vain for customers, I realized I would have to do something else. Someone who was a friend at the time suggest I try a farmers market. So I loaded my old pickup and went down to the Vancouver Farmers Market for the first time in 2000. Click here for more pictures.

As people came by and asked me how to kill the bleeding heart and bergenia as it was growing all over their property, I realized I needed to expand my sales base. And as I looked at my now expanding flower gardens, I noticed that a flower would be ready to bloom and be done the next time I looked. I decided to share my flowers with others and started selling them at the Market in 2002. Click here for more pictures. That was also the year I entered the Clark County Fair and won many awards for my blooms.
This was my setup in 2003. Click here for more pictures.

As I read more about flowers and their care, I learned that they are actually very fragile and will last longer under certain conditions and treatment. I began the florist shop conditioning by buying floral coolers and using preservative. Click here for more pictures of 2004.
To be continued.....
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